Who else wants to get rid of their c-section belly without the anxiety and stress?
It’s been 3 months since my second c-section and I haven’t gotten very far, to be honest. I feel like I’m exactly where I was when I posted my 2 months post c-section weight loss update.
It’s been rough, ya’ll.
I severely underestimated how hard it was going to be to have 2 under 2, especially while working from home (they are not in daycare).
That being said…
It’s okay to not bounce back right away
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, it takes time for our bodies to heal and it takes time for us to get back in to a routine- especially after adding a new human being to our lives.
You just gave birth to a human being!!
So is it really realistic to expect your body to bounce right back to where you used to be? Not really. Yes, there are some who hit the genetic jackpot… and then there are us.
Those of us who struggle to lose weight. Those of us who are exhausted after a long day of adjusting to our new family life. Those of us who just need some sleep, or coffee when that’s the only option.
And that is okay!
Just the way you are!
You don’t need washboard abs to be an amazing mom.
You don’t need buns of steel to be loved by your kids.
You just need to be you and enjoy life so that your kids can enjoy it with you.
So, here is where I am 3 months after c section…
Exercise I’ve Been Doing
I’m not going to lie, I haven’t been exercising.
I could tell you about how both of my babies had croup for almost two weeks and then I caught it when they were finally getting over it. I could tell you how my c-section incision still bothers.
But, really, I’m exhausted.
I’ve made grand plans of all of the exercises I’m going to do and when I’m going to do them… but I’m putting my health first.
I need sleep, you need sleep, we all need sleep. Exercising on 2 hours of sleep is never a good idea. What’s a good idea is getting any extra rest you can.
Food I’ve Been Eating
Luckily, I haven’t had to cook because I’ve been on the Personal Trainer Food plan I told you all about a few days ago.
In a nutshell, they mailed me 28 days worth of healthy food (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and all I have to do is steam it for 2 minutes and I’m ready to eat.
I don’t have to worry about portions, macros, cooking, or any of that.
Because of this, I have lost 3 lbs in the past week and a half. Otherwise I probably would have gained 6.
How I’m feeling
Here’s the thing, though… I’m happy.
I’m not stressing over my body, I’m enjoying my babies instead.
I know things will even out at some point and my little one will sleep through the night. I know one day I will be able to exercise again without wanting to shoot myself in the foot.
I know it’ll come. I know my body will heal. I know it will take time.
Most importantly, I know I’m get there and there’s no rush.
I’m alive, I’m healthy and my body is doing what it needs to do.
Can I be so daring to give you a piece of advice?
Love where you are now
I know if you’re reading this, you were probably expecting me to have lost a ton of weight or be ripped. I haven’t and I’m not.
I know if you’re reading this, you’re probably wondering if where you are in your journey is normal. It is.
Love where you are now, momma.
Love what your body just did when it created a life.
Love the life you created.
Love the body that allowed you to do that.
Love that you have survived so much.
Embrace your emotions
Embrace the fact that you can still love, laugh, cry, hurt and feel… and then keep doing it.
We are not perfect, we never will be. Even when we lose the weight, there will probably something else we let bring us down.
So just learn to enjoy where you are and know that it’s okay. There are a tribe of us going through the same thing! If you want a safe place to talk about it and meet other moms like us, you can join my Facebook tribe.
And if you just want to talk, feel free to email me! I’m here for all of it 🙂