Can EFT Help You to Lose Weight?
Have you ever asked yourself “how am I going to lose weight by dieting?” It can feel like dieting and restricting food is the only solution to losing weight.
I have been in excellent shape for most my life, however the past few years I have gained weight, and I don’t feel like myself.
I have tried a few ways to get healthier and get in better shape. Some work, some don’t. Eating healthy and having an eating plan is a great way to build a life long healthy habit, a way of living and not dieting.
One tool that can help you lose weight without dieting is using EFT, the emotional freedom technique.
My name is Angela Agranoff and I write on my blog, My Refreshed Soul, for better health and weight loss using EFT.
Although I have been an EFT practitioner for a few years for unrelated issues, I just recently began a journey using EFT to help with my emotional eating and weight loss.
I have learned how sometimes I use eating as a way to comfort myself, and sometimes as a way to punish myself. I am grateful for this journey, all that I am learning, and all that I can share with others who are going through similar struggles.
EFT, also called tapping, is a simple and non-evasive way to address issues around our habits and emotional eating. Our weight can be controlled by more than what we eat. It can be effected by our emotions and how we are feeling.
EFT can help us lose weight by addressing the emotions that are keeping us in a cycle of eating that isn’t healthy, or eating for the wrong reasons.
When we use tapping for weight loss, we are nurturing the way we think about our habits and past experiences. Tapping for weight loss is so much more than tapping for our body. It is tapping for the emotions and feelings we have that are controlling the way we use food.
We may have limiting beliefs and negative emotions that are keeping us stuck in our old patterns.
This is not to say that dieting doesn’t work. We have all seen many successful weight loss testimonials to prove that dieting can work.
However, our mental state can be a very powerful influencer over our entire body. Have you ever experienced following a weight loss plan and not get the results that others have? Or get results only to have the weight come back?
It is super frustrating and demotivationg!
Using tapping can help strengthen your mental well-being, which will equip your body to do what you have dreamed of it doing . . . lose weight!
We can stop being hard on ourselves for not letting go of the weight. Instead, we can tap through emotions that may be holding us back from the body we desire.
The combination of healthy eating, exercise and tapping can give us what we need to be successful and feel good! This process doesn’t have to be difficult or restrictive
We give food so much power.
Eating can make us happy, make us sad, or be pleasurable when we want to reward ourselves. What if we examined our emotions that drive our emotional eating?
I would like to tap with you on the control we give food.
Getting Started with EFT
Here are the tapping points to use with EFT, as well as how to rate your emotions can be found here.
Now you know the points and how to rate your emotions, lets create a set-up statement.
Set-up Statement
– The set-up statement is an affirmation that describes the emotions you are feeling, and accepting yourself anyways.
– Think of one memory, situation, or emotion that triggers you to want to eat for comfort.
– Feel those emotions in every part of your body. By feeling this emotion, you are acknowledging how you are feeling and how you are struggling.
– These feelings will be part of what we tap on when we tap for emotional eating.
Tapping is Flexible
Don’t worry about creating the perfect set-up statement.
It’s awesome that there is no ONE way to do tapping sessions!
When tapping, be gentle and use the tips of your fingers.
You may find EFT hard to understand, or you may not even believe that it will work. That’s ok, you don’t have to believe it for it to work!
In the script below, you can always change the wording to suit you and your emotions. Tapping once a day will help you to move through your emotions that are keeping you stuck in an unhealthy cycle of eating.
It may take one tapping round, it may take multiple.
Be patient with yourself, be persistent and consistent!
VIDEO – Can EFT Help You to Lose Weight?
If you want to learn more about how to do EFT, here are the basics, as well as how to rate your emotions can be found here.
Separating the Food From the Feelings
Tapping on the Negative
Karate Chop: (Set-up Statement)
– Even though I go to food when I am upset, frustrated or sad, I deeply and completely, love and accept myself.
– Even though I desire food whether I am feeling happy or sad, and I am using food for comfort either way, I deeply and completely, love and accept myself.
– Even though I know that the desire for food can be fueled my emotions, and I may eat out of anger, frustration, reward or for pleasure, I deeply and completely love and accept myself, and all that I am.
Eyebrow: Eating food I love is a way to comfort myself and feel better.
Side of Eye: Food is the first thing I think of when I want to feel better.
Under Eye: I know that most of the time this is not healthy for me.
Under Nose: But I still go ahead, make the decision, and eat to satisfy myself.
Chin: It can feel like I am out of control.
Collar Bone: Which is the opposite of what I am trying to feel.
Under Arm: I am trying to help myself to feel better, or feel like I am in control.
Top of Head: But it obviously isn’t working because I have gained weight and feel worse.
Take a deep breath.
Tapping on the Positive
Karate Chop:
– Even though I have made unhealthy decisions in the past with food and emotional eating, I deeply and completely, love and accept myself.
– Even though I use food as a way to feel better, like an addiction, I deeply and completely, love and accept myself.
– Even though I haven’t had success with losing weight and dieting in the past, I deeply and completely love and accept myself, and all that I am.
Eyebrow: I am going to find other ways to comfort myself that are healthy.
Side of Eye: I can make a list of alternative options to food, so I can hold myself accountable.
Under Eye: I can chew on gum, call a supportive friend, drink a big glass of water, or take a walk to clear my head.
Under Nose: I can journal about what I am feeling and the thoughts and emotions that are rising around my desire to eat food.
Chin: If I keep tapping on my emotions, my eating habits will get better and better.
Collar Bone: I can tap away the feelings that keep me in self doubt, being self- conscious, second guessing myself, comparing myself, wondering when I am going to have it all together, and finally get healthy and lose the weight.
Under Arm: The weight will be able to leave my body when am able to work through unresolved emotional issues.
Top of Head: I am so excited to be free from food and to have worked through my emotions in a healthy way. I will keep tapping every time I feel drawn to eating food for comfort.
Take a deep breath.
Continue tapping and you will naturally see that your decisions to be healthier will become more and more frequent. Be consistent, tapping each day for your emotions and needs that come up as you tap.
It important to understand what has happened in your life that has created these emotions. These emotions where food is used for comfort.
I believe in you and keep tapping!
Coach Angela