When I was pregnant with my son, I did a crazy amount of research on diaper bags (oh how I miss having time to do stuff like that!). I ended up falling in love with Jujube diaper bags and knew I had to have one.
They are gorgeous and high quality bags. I specifically fell in love with the Jujube BFF Diaper Bags because of the backpack strap they came with.
At the time, I knew this was great- but I didn’t know just how great it would be. After two years of using this diaper bag, I can tell you that the best feature is the option to carry it as a backpack!
Different Jujube BFF Diaper Bag Designs
One of the beauties of Jujube bags is that they come in a ton of different designs. There is sure to be a design everyone loves.
I personally love the legacy collection, but they no longer sell the design I purchased. The closest would be the First Lady Jujube BFF.
However, there are a ton of other designs that you can see below.
Oh, the other great thing is that if you decide to sell it when you’re done using it, they have a high resale value.
Are Jujube BFF Diaper Bags Worth the Cost?
Yes, Jujube BFF Diaper Bags are totally worth the cost.
You will not need to replace them and can use them with multiple kids because they seem to last forever.
I am now going on baby #2 and still using my Jujube bags. They have absolutely 0 damage and the BFF gets used almost daily.
They are also machine washable, so super easy to clean and never look gross or stained.
I can also see myself using them when I no longer need a diaper bag because they’re just gorgeous. The BFF will definitely turn in to my gym bag, travel bag, something!
Remember, your diaper bag replaces your purse for a few years so you want to chose one that you love. The way I look at it, I would have spent this on a purse that I would have probably used less often so this was my “purse splurge.”
How to Get A Discount On the Jujube BFF
Amazon Baby RegistryRegister Now
If you are expecting, make sure you register on Amazon.com. Then add the Jujube BFF to your registry.
A few weeks before your due date, 8 weeks to be exact, you will get 15% off of anything you purchase from your registry, giving you about a $27 discount on this bag!
Plus, if you sign up for a free trial of Amazon Prime you will get free 2 day shipping!
This is the best deal I have been able to find on this bag. If you find a better deal please let me know in the comments.
What’s Inside my Jujube BFF
Before I show you how I pack the bag, let me show you what I always carry in my diaper bags.
I always carry an OuchPouch, which has Boogie Wipes, Infant Tylenol, gas drops, teething tablets, and a Nose Frida Snot Sucker.
I also always carry an Aden & Anais muslin blanket because my boy loves how soft they are.
For myself, I carry my wallet, phone, keys, sunglasses, and wet wipes.
For the baby I always carry a toy, teething ring, Comotomo bottle, formula dispenser, pacifier wipes, first aid kit, change of clothes, burp rag, bib, lotion, wet bag (I carry this even when using disposables because it’s great for dirty clothes, bibs, and burp rags), at least four diapers and wipes.
This picture is how I pack with cloth diapers:
I travel with my cloth wipes pre-moistened in this wipe pouch:
This is what goes in my bag when I travel with disposable diapers, for convenience:
My disposable diapers, wipes, and diaper rash creams are always kept in a Jujube Be Quick bag so I don’t have to carry the entire diaper bag with me when going to the bathroom:
Jujube BFF Layout & Design
My favorite part about the BFF is that you can use it as a backpack. This is SO convenient when you’re carrying a baby and a million other things.
I never wanted a backpack diaper bag because I didn’t like how they looked, but when I found this one I was sold.
It also comes with a shoulder strap, but I have never used it since the backpack style is 20 times more convenient.
The front of the bag has two pockets. A smaller pocket at the top is where I keep my cell phone and keys. Then there is a “mommy pocket” which is larger.
The mommy pocket has a key fob, a pocket for sunglasses, and a few other pockets. This pocket is a bit tight, though. Since my wallet is large, that is all I really put in there. I also throw a chapstick and lipgloss in there sometimes.
The sides have insulated bottle pockets, which is pretty standard for diaper bags. They hold my Comotomo bottles perfectly.
I also hang a Jujube pacipod on the side and I keep two pacifiers in there, because you never know when one will disappear.
The back, of course, comes with a pocket for the changing pad. The changing pad is actually really nice with good padding. I also throw a folder with his records in there when I go to his doctors appointments.
So, let’s get to the meat of things: the inside.
I love, love, love this bag, BUT, I will say it is a bit tight.
I am an overpacker so it feels a bit small for me.
I find that it works better for quick trips, but would not work as an overnight bag until your baby is a toddler and needs less stuff.
I also like it better with disposable diapers than with cloth.
Here you can see it stuffed with everything except the diapers, wipes, and toys:
Jujube BFF Packed with Disposable Diapers
When I add the diapers, wipes, and toys is when it gets interesting.
Here it is with the disposable diapers and wipes inside of the Jujube BeQuick. Then I threw his toy on top of that. You can see it’s pretty much stuffed to capacity at this point.
Jujube BFF Packed with Cloth Diapers
Now, when I add 4 cloth diapers (All in Ones & pockets) I can’t even consider adding the toy.
Then I add my cloth wipes and that’s basically all that will fit. So I just strap the baby’s toy to the handle.
It will definitely fit a lot better if you travel with prefolds and one cover, but I just prefer to travel with AIO’s.
The problem is that it becomes hard to get anything else when I have cloth inside. I would have to take out the diapers and wipes before I can get to anything else.
I definitely prefer this bag with disposable diapers because it just fits better.
How do you feel about the BFF? Too small or just right?
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